Achieve Desired Technical Shotcrete Performance

Silica fume is often used to improve the performance of shotcrete mixtures.
TYTRO® RC, a pozzolanic-based rheology control agent, however, only requires one-tenth of the silica fume dosage rate to provide equivalent performance. It's a more economical and sustainable solution. For example, 3 kg/m3 [5 lb/yd3] of TYTRO® RC 430 is needed to replace 30 kg/m3 [50 lb/yd3] of silica fume in shotcrete mixtures.
That's 1/10 the dosage!
TYTRO® RC products provide…
- Superior dosage efficiency
- Superior bond to rock substrate
- Faster strength development.
- Enhanced sprayability and pumpability characteristics
- Minimum rebound and dust in tunnels and underground mining shotcrete applications
More performance benefits of the TYTRO® Shotcrete System
TYTRO® SA set accelerators offer several performance advantages:
- Achieve efficient dosage rate, with highly active formulation for low dosages
- Improve early strength, without compromising later age strength
- Accrue minimum material wasted with lower rebound and dust
- TYTRO SA is also robust and easy to dispense, as a liquid product that's easily measured and dosed
STRUX® BT50 macro-synthetic fibres are high performing proprietary engineered copolymer fibres used as a replacement for steel fibres and wire mesh reinforcement in underground shotcrete construction.
STRUX® is added to shotcrete to provide toughness, impact and fatigue properties, outperforming competing macro-synthetic fibres, steel fibres and steel mesh alternatives.
TYTRO® RM rheology modifying and mix-enhancing admixtures are formulated to improve the pumpability and sprayability of the shotcrete mix.
TYTRO® WR high-range water-reducing admixtures—superplasticisers—for shotcrete provide superior flow, prolonged pot life, excellent plasticity, and maximise strength performance by allowing lower water-to-cementitious materials ratio (w/cm).
TYTRO® AE air entraining admixtures enhance shotcrete mixes to protect against damage from freeze/thaw cycles.
- Concrete
- Concrete admixtures
- Contractor
- Precast producer
- Producer
- Shotcrete
- Subcontractor